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Monday, August 27, 2012

Our favourite animal of the week - The Cheetah (BORN TO RUN )

Specialist Sprinter

This cat is truly built for speed! Virtually every part of its body is adapted in some way to help it run faster. Special paw pads and semi-retractable claws provide great traction.

 Large nostrils and  lungs provide quick air intake; a large liver, heart and adrenals also facilitate a rapid physical response.

A long, fluid, greyhound-like body is streamlined over light bones. Small collarbones and vertical shoulder blades help lengthen the stride.

The tail acts as a rudder for quick turning plus the eye's retinal fovea is of an elongated shape, giving the cheetah a sharp, wide-angle view of its surroundings.

 The dark tear marks beneath each eye may also enhance its visual acuity by minimizing the sun's glare. The spine works as a spring for the powerful back legs to give the cheetah added reach for each step. But the great speed is very taxing physiologically.

 The top speed, 71 miles per hour (114 kilometers per hour), can usually be maintained for only 200-300 yards. (274 meters). At that point the cheetah's body temperature increases from the exertion and rest is mandatory. (

Since a cheetah needs to see its prey to run after it, it usually hunts in the day. The black streaks running from the side of its eyes to the sides of its mouth protect it from the sun’s glare as it hunts. 

One major disadvantage of cheetah speed however is that it takes a lot of energy away from the cheetah. If it runs at its top speed for a minute or two, it will become exhausted. Hence, if it chooses to run after an elusive prey at this rate, it will quickly lose the energy to pin down its prey. A cheetah will therefore let go of a prospective catch if it can’t get it quickly. 

Cheetahs also have to conserve their energy because they may need the speed to avoid other predators. Once a cheetah catches its food with its incredible cheetah speed, other larger and more aggressive animals may attempt to fight with it for the food.

 A cheetah is more likely to avoid potentially disastrous confrontations by moving away quickly rather than by facing it head on. This is a good decision on the cheetah’s part since its light body frame and small mouth structures will not stand a chance against large, heavily built aggressors.  

  It is an animal built for a specific purpose and has adjusted well to its nature-endowed traits

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sausage tree in Serengeti

Sausage tree (Kigelia africana)

This large tree is spread sparsely throughout Serengeti. It produces characteristic long (1 m), succulent, poisonous fruits that drop from the tree and release seeds as the pulp rots. The vine-like fruit stalks can be seen for months after the fruits are dropped.

 There is a dry bush joke that the worst place to camp is under a Sausage tree

 .. if the 5 kg fruits don't crush you, then the elephants will as they come to collect the fruits. There is a widespread local belief that Sausage tree fruits, when hung in your hut, will ward-off whirlwinds.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Umbrella Thorn Acacia - The Serengeti umbrella

Equally fascinating as the wildlife you see in the Serengeti National Park, are the trees. There are hundreds of species of trees, the brightly colored Fever trees , the Sausage tree, But the ones that really stick out, are the thorny acaci
as. Since they can't move, they've adapted to defend themselves in amazing ways. The clever thing about the Umbrella Thorn Acacia you see pictured here, is that it has sharp threatening thorns on the outer branches to stop giraffes snacking on them, but the inside branches are actually soft and green.

Monday, August 13, 2012

OUR FAVOURITE ANIMAL OF THE WEEK: Leopard - Prince of Darkness

Leopard - Prince of Darkness 

Few animals possess the mysterious aura of the leopard. 'Prince of Darkness' and 'Silent Hunter' are frequent epithets for this traditionally elusive cat. Like the lion, the leopard has been held in awe by generations of people across Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Although an infrequent man-killer, leopards elicit fear and dread among rural people whose domestic animals may be at risk to these cunning predators.

 The leopard is the most adaptable of the large predators and may still be found in close proximity to man, even, sometimes, on the outskirts of large cities. It is able to survive in just about any environment, being at home in forest, savannah, desert, or mountain top. The body of a leopard was once found in the snowfields on Mount Kilimanjaro at an altitude of some 4500 metres!

Simply a cat

The leopard is identical in proportion and shape to a domestic cat - just much bigger, with a mesmerising arrangement of rosettes. The body is low-slung on short powerful limbs, and the broad head is carried on a strong neck. Long whiskers act as tactile sense organs, letting the leopard know whether it can squeeze through a particular space or not. 

The long tail is used for balance, and, when swished from side-to-side, is a sure indication that the animal needs some space! Watch a domestic cat on the move, lithe and alert, and you can easily picture a leopard.

The scent of a leopard

Leopards are solitary animals and - in typical cat fashion - only come together to mate. Individuals live within home ranges in which they continually advertise their presence through calling and scent marking. Both sexes scratch and urinate at the base of trees, but only the male ejects a spray over the foliage of a low bush. Droppings are made in conspicuous places - such as on tracks or roads - where 'trespassing' leopards are likely to find them and be warned off. 

All possible steps are taken to defend territories through scents, signs and signals rather than physical conflict. As a solitary hunter, a leopard cannot afford to become injured and must avoid confrontation at all times.

Territorial imperative

The size of a leopard's territory will depend upon the terrain and the density of available prey. Ideal habitat often includes rocky outcrops or, more particularly, well-wooded drainage lines and river courses. Such places provide ideal hunting ground, as the leopard relies on stalk and ambush, as well as plenty of places to hide prey and raise cubs. Females range over smaller territories than males, and there is frequently some overlap between 'mothers' , 'sisters' and 'daughters'. Dominant males - often referred to as 'Toms' - occupy larger territories and do not mingle, so frequently enjoy mating opportunities with several territorial females.

Leopards reach sexual maturity at two years of age and females come into heat about every six weeks thereafter. Males are attracted to females in oestrus by scent, and the courting pair will stick together - even sharing kills - for several days, mating at regular intervals until conception occurs.

Only the strong survive

One, two or three cubs are born after a three-month pregnancy, and are well-hidden in a thicket or cave. Born blind and helpless, it will be six weeks before they emerge from their den. Once able to accompany their mother, they mature rapidly, climbing trees and capturing small prey. Weaning takes place at about three months, but it is over a year before they are able to fend for themselves.

It is normal for siblings to stick together for some time after leaving their mother. Life is hard for the young leopard as they need to compete for space with experienced leopards, or evade the gauntlet of stock-keepers' traps and guns.

Opportunistic hunters

Leopards are the ultimate opportunists, and will eat just about anything. In unspoiled areas rich in wildlife, they favour medium-sized to small antelopes - impala, duiker and bushbuck - but take a wide range of prey as opportunities arise. Prey is typically captured after a patient stalk and sudden pounce. Where lions and hyenas are present, kills are hoisted up into trees where they may be fed upon at leisure over several days.

 Leopards are immensely powerful and capable of hauling up prey as heavy as themselves. But, they will just as happily feed on winged termites, stranded catfish and baby guineafowl. Outside of protected areas, leopards survive on rodents, ground birds, reptiles and - often to their detriment - lambs, dogs and poultry. Unlike lions, they rarely scavenge but will readily dispossess lesser carnivores such as cheetah from fresh kills.

Day or night?

Leopards are thought to be primarily nocturnal but long-term observations in protected areas have revealed otherwise. A considerable amount of hunts take place in daylight, for a leopard dozing on the branch of a sausage tree will think nothing of slinking down the trunk at noon to pursue a potential meal. Like most animals, they avoid the heat of day, and seek out the coolest shady spots in which to rest. These sleek predators certainly feel more secure under the cover of darkness, however, for it is only then that they make their rasping saw-like contact call - a warning or invitation, as the case may be.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

DID YOU KNOW THAT lionesses find dark, shaggy manes a turn-on??


Not only does having a bigger, blacker mane mean more mates, but the lion is able to intimidate other adult males and better protect his cubs..

The main reason lions with dark manes are attractive is that they have higher levels of testosterone. "It isn't surprising that females would prefer darker manes and males would be intimidating,

Like a peacock's tail, the colour and weight of the lion's mane gives off signals to lionesses about his health and fitness. In the wild, male strength is a desirable quality, said West, and a short mane is often a sign of recent injury.

Ol Doinyo Lengai, The Mountain of God

This is an active volcano in northern Tanzania lying just south of Lake Natron. It is located in the Rift Valley, in the heart of Masaai country, and locally regarded as a sacred mountain. Looking north from its summit crater the hot barren salt flats of Lake Natron stretch into the distance. To the south stretch the Crater Highlands and the Ngorongoro Game Reserve. The eastern horizon is dominated by Kilimanjaro and to the west the forested escarpments and hills comprising the western slopes of the Rift Valley. About every seven years Lengai erupts and plumes of smoke billow out of the crater. Almost always it is possible to walk across the crater floor, often to the edge of the molten lavas.
The ascent of Lengai is demanding on account of the day time heat, lack of water, steep and unstable slopes of ash and crumbly rocks and considerable height gain, 1600m. or just over 5000ft. Starting at midnight from Lake Natron it is just possible to reach the summit by dawn at a gentle pace. Although shorts and a warm jacket are suitable for the ascent, long trousers might be more pleasant as the summit just before dawn can be cold. Our access route from the north-west allows an early descent to be made from the summit in the morning shadow.